In addition to being a very active student organization within its community, the CSE is also an environment where competent profiles are formed thanks to the collaborative spirit that exists there. Thanks to its internal organization, the CSE imitates a company in its mission, which allows students to practice, within the framework of volunteering, an activity that is akin to its future projects, especially professional ones. However, its status as a student club, giving its members the status of volunteers, does not impose any sanctions on them: at CSE, we have the right to commit mistakes during our learning process, and that's how we succeed in accomplishing great projects.
CSE is the story of an ambitious group of students motivated by the desire for change. These are the fables of several generations, which have followed one another, inheriting the values of CSE from one another and sworn to preserve the essence of CSE which is: collaborate to succeed. It was in 2008, some mates gathered, united despite their differences for one and only goal: to change their routine from intensive study to a versatile life combining the academic career with an extracurricular activity. The CSE was born. This appetence for change and the dynamism of these young people meant that since that day, ESI students had a scientific home where they took refuge when the pressure of studies was increasing. Generations have continued, each more motivated than the next, each bringing its own touch of innovation and evolution, to make CSE a place where great ideas are born. This succession will make the CSE's journey a remarkable progression which began with internal workshops and has now reached international events.
TrainingsEvents are all about bringing people together and creating powerful experiences, and that what we aim to do here in CSE. We are passionate about the things we do, and we love sharing that with others, enough to put on an event. Our events are exclusively dedicated to students passionate about technology.
They are free and accessible to everyone within the limit of reserved places. With every event, we try to create experiences and moments that people will remember. Adding to that, you can find highly qualified speakers and guests or even business leaders looking for potential recruits. These events could also help you meet new people and build professional relationships. Besides being a fertile ground for creating links, our events enjoy a warm atmosphere and a dynamic climate created by the organizers.
Le CSE est un lieu où les personnes formidables se rencontrent et de grandes idées naissent.
Le CSE est le chemin menant aux meilleures portes ouvertes et un excellent endroit pour RÉALISER! Croyez-moi, après l'école, il est difficile de trouver des personnes désireuses et travaillant afin de réaliser des projets et des objectifs communs. J'aimerais pouvoir trouver un CSE à chaque étape de la vie.
Un groupe d’étudiants exceptionnel qui a façonné l’ESI pendant des générations
Values are crucial to create a successful, motivating, and long-lasting work environment. Our club's values are priceless, they are a part of who we are, they define us.
They help us unlock the full power of teamwork & guide us toward one ultimate goal which is providing the best to build a better tech community, a vibrant one, and take it to a higher level of prosperity.
We believe that alone we can do so little but together we can do so much, together we can rise higher and shine brighter, accomplish the untouchable & spread the sparkle!
We always make sure to organize quality tech events, workshops, and conferences that give our community a limitless experience and allow them to grow through expanding their capabilities.
We encourage inspirational, creative, and innovative ideas. Here, we never cease learning and sharpening our skills, we believe that knowledge is power.
Trust is the backbone of our invulnerability, it helps us flourish and move forward, all CSE members are connected with strong trust bonds that make the CSE more than a club.